Welcome to 2012

Posted by Leso Boundy on January 1, 2012 in News |

Well, I didn’t start 2012 too well, have a bad flu’. So much for my flu’ jab??? But to be fair, we know it is limited, and the flu’ variations are endless !!

I did end 2011 reasonably content. This year has many facets that have been enriching and favourable. I kept a promise with a dear friend, just got there in time , eh mate!!! Have found a dear friend I had lost 30yrs ago, and am grateful to her for persisting in her search for me, and remembering me with such fondness.

I am not a person who makes New Year resolutions, for me every day is the start of a new year, but, to all those who do, I hope you have the strength of character and will to keep them, usually, they are for the betterment of your life. Don’t give up on yourself.

To all whom I hold dear, I know you know who you are, I try to tell you each time we have contact, thank you for making my life so rich and and fulfilling.

Happiness and Health for 2012.

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